Prodflow for Film Production
Simplify productions using your own custom branded app.

Film Production

With Prodflow, you can easily share film production information, such as Scripts, Call Sheets, Storyboards, Schedule, Transportation and much more with your crew, clients and agency.


A Ready to Use platform for your company

Customize the platform and the App with your brand’s logo and colors, as you use it with your crew, clients and agencies.


Instantly share files with everyone

Upload documents, spreadsheets, presentations, images or videos, sort files into folders and instantly share production information through the App.


Invite new users and manage their access

You can invite or delete members, sort users in groups and edit their access to your folders and files, at any time!


Schedule meetings and events

Create meetings, events and deadlines in the Schedule feature. Send invitations to users and they will receive notifications to confirm and add it to their own schedule. You can download the list of users that will be present, as a .CSV file.


Get automatic notifications

Users receive notifications whenever a file is changed or updated, you get notified when a user accepts or rejects your invitation for an event in the Schedule and when you are invited to a new project!

App & Back Office Tutorials

Take a look at Prodflow in action and get the best out of your experience!
Watch our quick tutorials
on how to access Prodflow,
use its features and functionalities to boost productivity in your business.
In the videos below, we show you how to use the Back Office platform and the App.